
Félix Daniel Nieto

Some of the publications can be downloaded in PDF or PS format, others are available in printed form only. 


  1. “Modelo dual de transporte en polímeros glassy: una nueva formulación considerando la distribución energética de las especies sorbidas”.

F. Nieto, Licenciate Thesis in Physics, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, (1991).

  1. “Redes de Ising tridimensionales con interacciones mixtas”.

F. Nieto, Master Thesis in Physics,  Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile, (1996).

  1. “Percolación y difusión en superficies altamente correlacionadas”.

F. Nieto, Master Thesis in Surface Science and Porous Media, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, (1999).

  1. “Modelos estadísticos para las transiciones estructurales en superficie”.

F. Nieto, PhD. Thesis, Universidad  Nacional  de San Luis, (1998).

  Scientific Journals and Books

  1. “Catalytic activity of a Langmuir-Hinshelwood reaction with surface reconstruction”.

      F. Nieto, A.Ramirez Cuesta, A.Velasco, J.L.Riccardo and G. Zgrablich.
Journal of Physics C, 5 (1993) A235.

  1. “Influence of adsorbate-adsorbate interaction on Arrhenius parameters for desorption processes”.

      F.Nieto, D.Valladares, A.Velasco and G.Zgrablich.
Journal of Physics C, 5 (1993)A147.

  1. “Catalytic activity in simulated reactions with surface restructuring”.

      F.Nieto, J.Riccardo and G.Zgrablich.
Langmuir, 9 (1993) 2504.

  1. “A generalization of Dual Mode Transport Theory for glassy polymers”.

      J.Horas and F.Nieto.
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Physics.
Vol. 32, 1889-1898 (1994).

  1.  “Influencia de la reconstrucción inducida sobre reacciones catalíticas gobernadas por procesos Langmuir-Hinshelwood”.

      F.Nieto, A. Ramirez Cuesta, J.L.Riccardo, P.A. Velasco, G. Zgrablich.
Proceedings del XIV Simposio Iberoamericano de Catálisis, Concepción, Chile. (1994), pág. 305.

  1. “Influencia de la interacción adsorbato-adsorbato sobre los parámetros de Arrhenius en la desorción monomolecular y en reacciones  catalizadas de isomerización”.

      D.Valladares, F.Nieto, P.Velasco, G. Zgrablich.
Proceedings del XIV Simposio Iberoamericano de Catálisis, Concepción, Chile. (1994), pág.311.

  1. “Análisis de DTP y RTP en superficies catalíticas metálicas”.

      D.H. Linares, F. Nieto, P.A. Velasco y G. Zgrablich.
Proceedings del XIV Simposio Iberoamericano de Catálisis, Concepción, Chile.(1994), pág.293.

  1. “The role of surface reconstruction in catalytic activity”.

      F .Nieto, A. Velasco, J.L. Riccardo and G. Zgrablich.
Surface Science, 315 (1994) 185-194.

  1.  ”Ising lattices with ±J second-nearest-neighbor interactions”.

      A.J. Ramirez-Pastor, F. Nieto and E.E. Vogel.
Phys. Rev. B, 55 (1997) 14323.

  1.  ”Adsorption-induced surface reconstruction. Predictions of a simple model”.

      F. Nieto and V. Pereyra.
Surface Science, 383, 2 (1997) 308.

  1. “Influencia de las interacciones adsorbato-adsorbato en la adsorcion de moléculas monoatómicas sobre un sustrato heterogéneo unidimensional”.

      F. Bulnes, A. J. Ramírez-Pastor, F. Nieto, V.D. Pereyra y J.L. Riccardo.
Anales de la Asociación Física Argentina, 9 (1997) 29.

  1.  “A model for adsorption-induced surface reconstruction. Ground state and phase diagrams”.

      F. Nieto and V. Pereyra.
Surface Science, 399 (1998) 96.

  1.  ”Diffusion on simple heterogeneous surfaces”.

      F.Nieto and C.Uebing.
Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 102, Nº2 (1998) 156-163.

  1. “Diffusion of Adsorbates on Random Alloy Surfaces”.

      F.Nieto and C. Uebing.
The European Physical Journal B, 1 (1998) 523-531.

  1. “Percolation in ±J Ising lattices after removing  frustration.”

      E.E. Vogel, S. Contreras, F. Nieto, A. J. Ramírez-Pastor.
Physica A, 257 (1998) 256-263.

  1. “Competition between ordering and heterogeneity effects on surface diffusion”.

      F. Nieto and C. Uebing.
Physica A, 258 (1998) 123.

  1. “Recent progress in the understanding of surface diffusion: Influence of phase transitions and surface heterogeneities”.

      F. Nieto, A.A. Tarasenko and C. Uebing.
Defects and Difusion in Semiconductors: An Annual retrospective, D.J. Fisher (Editor) Defect and Difusion Forum, Trans Tech Publications, Vols.
Nº162-163 (1998) Pág. 59. ISBN 3-908450-35-7 (Capítulo de libro).

  1.  “Finite size dependence of the tracer surface diffusion coefficient near a second order phase transition”.

      F. Nieto and C. Uebing.
Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 102  (1998) 974.

  1. “Bond percolation in ±J Ising square lattices diluted by frustration”.

      E.E. Vogel, S. Contreras,  A.Osorio, J. Cartes, F.Nieto, A.J. Ramirez-Pastor.
Phys. Rev. B 58 (1998) 8475.

  1. “Procesos superficiales elementales en sistemas CO/Ni(001): método de simulación de Monte Carlo”.

      F. Nieto, F. Bulnes, V.D. Pereyra and J.L. Riccardo.
Proceedings del XVI Simposio Iberoamericano de Catálisis, Cartagena, Colombia. Vol. II (1998), 1195.

  1. “The influence of surface reconstruction on the collective motion of adsorbed atoms”.

      F. Nieto, C. Uebing and V.D. Pereyra.
Surface Science, 416 (1998), 152.

  1. “Finite-size scaling characterization of the ±J diluted Ising lattice”.

      A.J. Ramirez-Pastor, F.Nieto, S. Contreras and E.E.Vogel.
Revista Mexicana de Física, 44, 1 (1998) 89.

  1. “Finite size scaling behavior of the tracer surface diffusion coefficient near a second order phase transition”.

      F. Nieto, A.A. Tarasenko and C. Uebing.
Europhysics Letters, 43 (1998) 558-564.

  1. “Percolating spin-glass domains in diluted ±J  squares lattices”.

      E.E. Vogel, S. Contreras, M.A. Osorio, A.J. Ramírez-Pastor and F. Nieto.
Physica A, 266 (1999) 425.

  1. “Percolation in simple patchwise lattices”.

      F. Nieto, A.J. Ramirez-Cuesta and R. Faccio.
Phys. Rev. E, 59 (1999) 3706.

  1. “Surface Diffusion on heterogeneous Surfaces: competition between ordering and heterogeneity effects”.

      F. Nieto and C. Uebing.
Vacuum, 54 (1999), 119.

  1. “Adatom diffusion on a square lattice. Comparison of real space renormalization group and Monte Carlo approaches”.

      A.A. Tarasenko, L. Jastrabik, F. Nieto and C. Uebing.
Phys. Rev. B, 59 (1999) 8252-8261.

  1. “Collective diffusion on strongly correlated heterogeneous surfaces”.

      F. Nieto, C. Uebing, V.D Pereyra and  R. Faccio.
Surface Science, 423 (1999), 256.

  1. “Adsorption and diffusion in a square lattice gas with strong attraction between particles: the real-space renormalization group approach”.

      A.A. Tarasenko, L. Jastrabik, F. Nieto and C. Uebing.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) 1 (1999) 1583.

  1. “Energetic topography effects on surface diffusion”.

      F. Bulnes, F. Nieto, V. Pereyra, G. Zgrablich and C. Uebing.
Langmuir, Vol. 15, Nº 18 (1999), 5990.

  1. “Diffusion on simple heterogeneous surfaces: the bivariate trap model with random topography”.

      F. Nieto and C. Uebing.
Langmuir, Vol. 15, Nº 18 (1999), 5876.

  1. “Monte Carlo modeling of surface diffusion in interacting systems with phase transitions”.

      F. Nieto, A.A. Tarasenko and C. Uebing.
Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering II “Computational Fluid Dynamics, Reaction Engineering, and Molecular Properties”.
F. Keil, W. Mackens, H. Voss, and J. Werther (eds) Springer Verlag, (1999) ISBN: 3-540-65848-3. Pág. 114.

  1. “Adsorption-induced surface reconstruction procesess: the influence on the adsorption-desorption kinetics and the mobility of the adsorbed atoms.”

      F. Nieto, A.A. Tarasenko, C. Uebing and V. Pereyra.
Surface Review and Letters, Vol.6 Nº 3 and 4 (1999) 323-340.

  1. “Adsorption-induced surface reconstruction processes: a comparison of different lattice-gas models”.

      F. Nieto, A.A. Tarasenko, C. Uebing and V. Pereyra.
Langmuir, Vol. 15, Nº 18  (1999) 5893.

  1. “A new lattice-gas model for describing the adsorption-induced surface reconstruction process”.

      A.A. Tarasenko, F. Nieto, V. Pereyra and C. Uebing.
Surface Science, 441 (1999),  329-343.

  1. “Finite size scaling of kinetic quantities”.

      A.A. Tarasenko, F. Nieto and C. Uebing.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP), vol. 1, 15 (1999) 3437.

  1. “Collective surface diffusion of repulsively interacting particles on  random alloy surfaces”.

      F. Nieto and C. Uebing.
Physica A 276 (2000), 215-233.

  1. “Site order parameters for ±J Ising Lattices”.

      F. Nieto, A.J. Ramírez-Pastor, S. Contreras and E.E. Vogel.
Physica A, 283 (2000), 94-99.

  1. “Adatom diffusion on a square lattice: theoretical and numerical studies”.

      A.A. Tarasenko,  F. Nieto, L. Jastrabík and C. Uebing.
The European Physical Journal D, 12 (2000) 311-322.

  1. “Adsorption and diffusion of repulsively interacting particles on a triangular lattice”.

      A.A. Tarasenko, F. Nieto and C. Uebing.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP), 2 (2000), 3453-3459.

  1. “Adatom diffusion, coverage and emission current fluctuations”.

      A.A. Tarasenko, F. Nieto, L. Jastrabík and C. Uebing.
Microelectronics and Reliability, 40 (2000) 2023-2031.

  1. “Replay to the comment on ‘Finite-size scaling behavior of the tracer diffusion coefficient near a second order phase transition’”.

      F. Nieto, A.A. Tarasenko and C. Uebing.
Europhysics Letters, 51 (2000), 363-364.

  1. “Diffusion in a triangular antiferromagnetic lattice gas”.

      A. A. Tarasenko, L. Jastrabik, F. Nieto  and C. Uebing.
Defects and Difusion Forum Series: Diffusion in Materials, Y. Limoge and J.L. Bocquet (Editores), SciPress Inc., Vol. 194, ISBN 3-908450-60-8 (2001) 1393-1402.

  1. “Thermodynamic properties of a system of interacting particles adsorbed on a lattice with two non-equivalent sites”.

      A.A. Tarasenko, Z. Chvoj, L. Jastrabik, F. Nieto and C. Uebing.
Physical Review B, 63 (2000) 165423-165434.

  1. “Surface diffusion and real space renormalization group”.

      A.A. Tarasenko, L. Jastrabik, F. Nieto and C. Uebing.
“Collective diffusion on surfaces: collective behavior and the role of adatoms interactions”. Eds. M.C. Tringuides and Z. Chvoj” NATO Meeting/NATO ASI series, Vol. (2001) 71-82.

  1. “Surface Diffusion in Systems undergoing Phase Transitions”.

      A.A. Tarasenko, L. Jastrabik, F. Nieto and C. Uebing.
“Collective diffusion on surfaces: collective behavior and the role of adatoms interactions”. Eds. M.C. Tringuides and Z. Chvoj” NATO Meeting/NATO ASI series, Vol. (2001) 83-95.

  1. “Phase diagram of a system of particles adsorbed on a lattice with two non-equivalent sites. Repulsive interaction.”

      A.A. Tarasenko, Z. Chvoj, L. Jastrabik, F. Nieto and C. Uebing.
Surface Science, 482 (2001) 396-401.

  1. “Characterization of energetically disordered interfaces generated by a diffusional mechanism”.

      A.J. Ramírez-Pastor, F. Bulnes and F. Nieto.
Surface Science 476 (2001) 161-170.

  1. “Collective surface diffusion of repulsively interacting particles on a triangular lattice: Comparison of real space renormalization group and Monte Carlo approaches”.

      A.A. Tarasenko, F. Nieto, L. Jastrabik and C. Uebing.
Physical Review B, 64 (2001) 075413-1/17.

  1. “Adsorption of repulsively interacting particles on diffusion limited aggregates”.

      M. Nazzarro, A.J. Ramírez-Pastor and F. Nieto.
Proceedings of Fundamentals of Adsorption, Nagasaki, Mayo 20-25/01, (2001) 465-472.

55.  “Influence of repulsive three particle interactions on adsorption and diffusion on triangular lattices”.

      F. Nieto, A.A. Tarasenko and C. Uebing.
Proceedings of Fundamentals of Adsorption, Nagasaki, Mayo 20-25/01,
(2001) 457-464.

56.  “Influence of surface heterogeneities on the formation of diffusion limited aggregates”.

      M. Nazzarro, F. Nieto and A.J. Ramírez-Pastor
Surface Science, 497 (2002), 275-284.

57.  “Detailed structure of configuration space and its importance on ergodic separation of ±J Ising Lattices"

      E.E. Vogel, A.J. Ramírez-Pastor and F. Nieto
Physica A (2001), 310/3-4 (2002) 384-396.

58.  "Criticality effects on diffusion on heterogeneous surfaces"

      F. Nieto, A.A. Tarasenko and C. Uebing.
Applied Surface Science (2001), 196 (1-4)
(2002) 181-190.

59.  “Diffusion of adsorbates on single crystal surfaces of square symmetry: finite size scaling and the thermodynamic limit".

      F. Nieto, A.A. Tarasenko and C. Uebing.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) 4
(10), (2002), 1882-1888.

60.  “Diffusion of particles adsorbed on a triangular lattice: pairwise and three particle interactions".

       A.A. Tarasenko, F. Nieto, L. Jastrabík and C. Uebing.

       Surface Science 536 (2003) 1-14.

61.  Dependence of the percolation threshold on the size of the percolating species”.

      V. Cornette, A.J. Ramirez-Pastor and F. Nieto.

      Physica A 327 (2003) 71-75.

62.  “Algorithm to reach states of ± J Ising Lattices”.

      E.E. Vogel, A.J. Ramírez-Pastor and F. Nieto.

      Modeling of complex systems: seventh granada lectures, American Institute of Physics, Conference Proceedings, Volume 661, New York, (2003) 217-221.

63.  “Ground State Entropy of ±J Ising Lattices by Monte Carlo Simulations”.

      F. Romá, F. Nieto, E.E. Vogel and A. J. Ramírez-Pastor.

      Journal Statistical Physics 114 (2004) 1325-1341.

64.  “Adsorption thermodynamics of interacting particles on diffusion-limited aggregates”.

      M. Nazzarro, F. Nieto and A. J. Ramírez-Pastor.

      Physica A 331 (2004) 517-530.

65.  Difusión superficial en la región crítica: grupo de renormalización en el espacio real y simulación de Monte Carlo”.

      F. Nieto.

      Artículo especial con motivo del Premio “Ernesto E. Galloni” (Academia Nac. de Cs. Exactas, Físicas y Naturales,  Argentina). Anales de la Academia Nacional de Cs. Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Bs. As., Argentina, (2004) en prensa.

66.  “Percolation of polyatomic species on a square lattice”. 

      V. Cornette, A.J. Ramirez-Pastor and F. Nieto.

      The European Physical Journal B 36 (2003) 391-399.

67.  Effect of the ground-state structure on order parameters in ±J Ising lattices”.

      A. J. Ramirez-Pastor, F. Romá, F. Nieto and E. E. Vogel.

      Physica A 336 (2004), 454-460.

68.   “Thermodynamic Integration Method applied to ±J Ising lattices”.

      F. Romá, F. Nieto, A.J. Ramírez-Pastor and E.E. Vogel.

      Physica A 348 (2004) 216-222.

69.  “Dimer site-bond percolation on a square lattice”. 

      M. Dolz, F. Nieto and A. J. Ramirez-Pastor.

      The European Physical Journal B 43 (2005) 363-368.

70.  “Thermal percolation for interacting monomers adsorbed on square lattices”,

      M. C. Giménez, F. Nieto and A. J. Ramirez-Pastor,

      Journal of Physics A: Math. and Gen., 38 (2005) 3253-3264.

71.  “Site-bond percolation of polyatomic species”,

      M. Dolz, A. J. Ramirez-Pastor and F. Nieto.

      Physical Review E 72 (2005) 066129-1/5.

72.   “Novel order parameter to describe the critical behavior of Ising spin glass models”.

      F. Romá, A.J. Ramírez-Pastor, F. Nieto and E.E. Vogel.

      Physica A 363 (2006) 327-333.

73.  “Percolation of polyatomic species on diluted lattices”.

      V. Cornette, A. J. Ramirez-Pastor and F. Nieto.

      Physcs Letters A 353 (2006) 452-458.

74.  “Surface order-disorder phase transitions and percolation”.

       M. C. Giménez, F. Nieto and A. J. Ramirez-Pastor.

      The Journal of Chemical Physics 125 (2006) 184707-1/7.

75.  “Percolation of polyatomic species with the presence of impurities”.

      V. Cornette, A. J. Ramirez-Pastor and F. Nieto.

      The Journal of Chemical Physics 125 (2006) 204702-1/7.

76.  “Percolation processes in mixtures of polyatomic species”.

      M. Dolz, A. J. Ramirez-Pastor and F. Nieto.

     Physica A 374 (2007) 239-250.

77.   Influence of Ground-State Heterogeneities on the Domain-Wall Energy in the Edwards-Anderson ±J Spin Glass Model”.

      F. Romá, S. Risau-Gusman, A.J. Ramírez-Pastor, F. Nieto and E.E. Vogel.

      Physical Review B 75 020402(R) 1-4 (2007).

78.  “Adsorption in one-dimensional channels arranged in a triangular structure: theory and Monte Carlo simulations”

      M. Dávila, P.M. Pasinetti, F. Nieto and A.J. Ramirez-Pastor.

      Physica A (2007), in press.





79. F. Nieto, A.A. Tarasenko, “Collective surface diffusion of  interacting particles on a triangular lattice: real-space renormalization group and Monte Carlo approachesin “Trends in Surface Science Research”, Editor: Charles P. Norris, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, (2005), ISBN: 1-59454-178-7.